Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Read this...

I want to start recommending good books on this blog. I love reading books related to health, fitness, nutrition, and the mind body connection. I thought I'd start sharing some of my favorites and my hope is that through reading them you can educate yourself and develop your own thoughts and let the things you learn become a part of you.

This was a fascinating book. It delves into the shift our foods have taken in the last 20-30 years. We are bombarded with tons of diets, low fat, low carb, high fiber, fortified, low sugar, sugar free, whole grain, etc. No wonder why our society as a whole is overweight and suffering from obesity. There are so many options out there that we hardly know what to eat.We think that we have a healthy food so we can eat the whole box.

A short summary of what I learned: Just get back to the basics. Eat clean, natural food. Realize where the food your eating is coming from and how it is being produced. Put extra money into healthy food, because the processed junk food is inexpensive and unfortunately it's everywhere.

1 comment:

Allison said...

I like that "put extra money into the healthy foods" that's good. the payoff will come in time.