Monday, September 15, 2008

Treadmill Desk-Primetime 20/20

Extreme weight gain calls for extreme fitness measures. According to the CDC in 2007 66.3% of people over the age of 20 are overweight (BMI 25-29.9) and 32% are obese (BMI 30 and above.) As a society we are eating too much and not getting enough activity. There are lots of things that can cause a person to gain weight, but I think a couple of the biggest things are desk jobs, fast food, cars, and not inconveniencing ourselves.
We've come from just about 100 years ago where we had to hunt our food, walk everywhere, and prepare our food/clothes/shelter from the ground, scratch, and whatever we were able to find. Verses today where everything is convenient and you can buy food cheap, quick, and lacking any type of nutrition.
Someone is definitely thinking outside the box with this treadmill desk. Do I think it will work? I don't think it will really take off, but I could be wrong and if it's making a difference and getting people moving I'm all for it.
This video was just one more reminder to me of the importance of keeping your body moving, trying to eat healthy, and take that extra walk around the neighborhood to avoid those extra pounds that tend to pile on when sitting in front of the computer or whatever else might be keeping you sedentary.


CtephFrid said...

I think this will be my next BIG ticket purchase. I now work at a desk for my job, plus all my emailing etc...I haven't sat this much in a long time...I would LOVE to work and walk!!!

Anonymous said...

Kim, have you seen the movie "Walle"? It has several messages but one for sure is that if we(as a society) keep heading the way we are going we will be overweight. It is a bit over exaggerated, but I think all the movie goers got the point! Thanks for posting I love your blogs!