First I want to give a shout out to my viewers who left comments. Thank you for the kind words and letting me know that my thoughts, tips, advice, research is being read. I heart y'all!
Today's topic is accountability. This is extremely important when it comes to changing one's behavior whatever it may habits, mindset, weight, anger management, shopping addictions, etc. If you have something you're trying to change you must enlist the help of others. You are doing no favors by keeping your goal secret and trying to battle it on your own.
For my first marathon I told every single person I knew that I was going to run it. It probably got kind of annoying. Friends, co workers, clients, people at church, people I barely knew. I talked about running and my training all the time. I knew that the more people I told I wouldn't be able to just give up on the idea and not do it. I knew from a behavior change class that I took in college that this was crucial to my success. Well I can tell you it worked. Especially since I didn't know if I was going to be able to do it the first time. Now I'm addicted and want to run Boston one day. 3:40 PR here I come.
So my challenge to you in becoming an overall healthier person...whether it be physical, emotional, spiritual, financial, etc. Set up some type of accountability system. The bigger the better. If you need to hire a personal trainer b/c you know that's the only way to get you to the gym. Do it! If you need to join Weight Watchers or start a food journal to eat better do it. I'd take the journal another step. Don't just say you'll write your food down. Promise to have someone who's familiar with nutrition look at it every day and give you feedback. If you need to save money literally cut up your credit cards and only spend cash. My dad taught me this rule long ago. Only pay for what you can afford and use cash. Thanks Dad for saving me unwanted heartache with debt.
Hopefully this gives you a few ideas. I'm doing it too. Lose baby weight by September. Run a marathon this summer. Blog at least once a week and hopefully more when possible. What are your goals??? Here's an opportunity for some accountability. Get it out there. I promise it feels good!
Great motivation sis. I think accountability is key as well. I think you're going to do a fantastic job on your marathon this summer and I'm just so excited for you. I'd list my goals here but I know you already know them. We've got this sis!
Thank you for reminding me that 1) Keeping a food journal is vital...not just thinking okay..I ate this and this and that. How many calories di I eat today? 2) Write down the goals and take it a step further. Do something about it. 3)Make the goal specific and
have a date to accomplish it in! You are your thoughts!
I feel the information you posted is a great resource and sufficient to understand the entire concept.The way you expressed is also amazing.Thanks for sharing.
I'm really trying to lose baby weight, and I stumbled on your blog. I think I'll keep on reading :)
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