Which one is better you might ask yourself? I found a
great study recently that tested weight watchers against the gym. What was the result? Well their were actually pros and cons to both. They found that people on Weight Watchers (WW) lost more weight, but they actually lost quite a bit of actual lean body mass. Lean body mass or muscle is not a good thing to lose because it increases your metabolism and helps you to burn more calories throughout the day. A pro however is that WW participants were more likely to stick with the program and didn't drop out in comparison to people who were involved in a fitness center. Almost half of the people who start an exercise program on their own will quit within six months. The pros of the gym goers was that they increased muscle and lost more stomach fat (which is a huge plus in reducing health problems), but they didn't lose as many pounds overall in comparison to the WW group.
Take home message: I'd like to think one over the other is not necessarily better, but a combination of the two. You can't lose weight without exercising and you can't exercise and lose weight if you're not tuning into you calorie intake and cutting back. Also it is extremely helpful to set up a support system. With a program like WW you have weekly weigh ins and a group of people to lean on. Apply this to your personal weight loss journey even if you're not a member of WW. Start a program with a friend or find someone to be accountable to. By combining the best of both programs you will be more likely to succeed at reaching your goal.
yep this is good stuff. i like the WW idea because of the support system it has. i need a buddy system for the gym because i struggle to get there and stay committed.
I did WW in high school. lost 30 lbs. They suggest that you exercise. In fact you can actually earn more food if you exercise. I also used my old materials after my pregnancy and lost the 20 extra lbs. I still have that tummy fat though. I've recently started a toning and core at home work out video. Have you looked at the 'Moms into fitness' video series? Are they good workouts? I'm currently doing 'Boot Camp 2' I can seriously feel the difference it's awesome! A balance is totally where it's at. Buddy system is a great idea.
Wow I never knew that about you. I haven't heard of the Moms into Fitness video series. I'll have to check those out.
I agree with balance and core work though. Makes you use the whole body and activate the deep stabilizer muscles. Oh the joys of losing the baby weight. I hope that weight just falls off of me when that day comes!
Kim, you are such an amazing woman with this hidden blog! I'm glad I found it. I think WW is great because it goes along perfectly with the word of wisdom. I agree most vehemently that exercise is so important to a happy, healthy and fulfilling life! Everything in moderation. Can't wait to see you and Mikey again! Maybe we can do Disney again??? =]
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