Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Addicted to sugar?

I just have a little thought I'd like to share. I was reading in a magazine the other day and it said something that really stuck out to me. It was talking about breaking drug addictions and how when people are trying to get off of drug addictions they have to break them of the habit cold turkey. They don't take them off the drug and then let them shoot up a little bit at the end of the week to take off the edge.

I'd like to apply this to addictions we might have such as: sugar, soda, chocolate, fast food, etc. When you're trying to break the habit of these things it's really hard to do if you keep letting this stuff back into your system. The best way to get rid of bad habits is to get rid of it completely, and not allow yourself weekly or monthly splurges.

My challenge to you and to myself is to look at our diets and see what things we need to break free of to live a healthier life. Eat to live. Don't live to eat.


Allison said...

i need to break free from sweets. i've had a homemade icecream cone almost every night for the past week. yikes. i might cut out sugar now that we're out of sweets in the house. good post.

Momma Koerner said...

great blog, Kim. It makes perfect sense to me; I need more willpower

Sy said...

Your blog is helping me a lot...I'm really trying to live a healthier lifestlye..I have just been feeling "blah" and am determined to get my life back on track and be healthy. Thanks for all the motivation!