Oftentimes we feel that to be healthy and especially to lose weight we have to do intense vigorous exercise for hours on end. I have really GREAT news! Just get moving. Do anything. I enjoy getting outside because there are so many things you can do jog, walk, bike, garden, hike, fly a kite, throw a frisbee, walk your dog, mow the lawn, fish, ski, etc. Are we getting the point yet?
A study from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention found that more than one-third of U.S. adults-over 72 million people-were obese in 2005-2006. This includes 33.3 percent of men and 35.3 percent of women. I believe there are lots of things contributing to this overwhelming number of people who are obese but inactivity in my opinion is one of the number one contributing factors.
We live in a fast paced society. We drive everywhere even if where we are going is just half a mile away. Most of us have office/desk jobs where we are sitting in front of a computer screen all day and when we get home the last thing we want to do is go to the gym. Fast food is everywhere and quick processed food is what we turn to when we do cook because it is quick and easy. These are just a few of the changes in the last 30-40 years, but what we need to do is recognize them because I'm sure things are going to continue in this same direction into the future.
I WANT TO ISSUE A CHALLENGE. Make a few small changes in your life and they will impact your lifestyle and health in a big way as they add up. You can't change your job and sometimes you might have to head to Wendy's, but you can be as active as possible and cut back on eating so much. Park you car farther away from the entrance at the grocery store or mall, use stairs instead of the elevator, take breaks at work and walk up and down the hall a few times or take a walk during your lunch break, add more fruits and veggies into your diet, cut out soda, or just say no to super sizing your meal.
There are lots of temptations and things that make it hard for us at times to be active, but I also know there are lots of simple changes we can implement into our lives until they become second nature.
Check the website below to find other activities and the calories burned per hour:
I am SO EXCITED you started this blog! What a great idea! I will be checking it often for new ideas/suggestions so I dont get burnt out at the gym doing the same old stuff. Man, I miss you! I know it has only been a few weeks since you've moved, but knowing that I won't be seeing you at the gym makes me so sad!! Again, thanks for starting this blog!!
Kim this really looks awesome! I'm very excited to read all the great things you'll put on here. Way to go!
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