There's a huge rumor out there to cut off eating at a particular time of day to lose weight and that eating late at night will make you gain weight. I've heard 7 is the magic number for some reason. The truth is there is no science that says if you stop eating at a certain time of the day your body is going to burn calories and you'll lose weight. I like to think of it as a overeating food trap if you cut off your calories at 7. Especially if you're a night owl like me you'll end up starving by 11 and you'll want to eat everything in sight.
A good rule of thumb that you can apply to your own schedule and lifestyle is to cut out food 3 hours before bed. Calories are calories and your body can't tell if you're eating at 6 p.m or 10 p.m. It's a good idea to cut off food about 3 hours before bed so you can digest your last meal. Otherwise you'll go to bed on a full stomach that will likely store those calories not burned away as fat.
But don't try and force yourself into cutting out your calories early in the evening thinking it's a magic trick that will solve all of your problems. Because it's not and the law of thermodynamics just doesn't work that way. Total calories during the day are total calories. Overeating in general causes you to gain weight. It doesn't matter when you eat them they all still count!

Very informative website. I also graduated in exercise science so this is of interest to me. I will keep in touch!
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