Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A very commonly asked question...

When is the best time to workout to burn the most calories?

Isn't it better to do cardio in the morning?

Don't be confused like the poor girl in the above picture. She just can't figure it out. She's like, "Should I go now, or will I burn more calories and lose more weight if I go later?"

This is a very common question and it has a simple answer...

There is no perfect time to exercise and burn a magical amount of extra calories.

When is the best time to workout?

I'll use myself as an example. I'm not a morning person. As much as I'd love to get up at 5 or 6 and workout everyday it just isn't going to happen. I've tried it and that warm bed just is more inviting. But get me to the gym around noon or my favorite is in the evening and I can work out for two hours easy. It just takes me a bit longer to get my blood flowing in the mornings so I've found it best to work out later in the day.

HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: work out at different times and see what works best for you. The biggest key is finding a time that you can stick with. I plan my workouts into the day as if it were an appointment or part of my work day so I just don't go home until I get it done. The second I get home and relax it's a lot harder to get back out and get to the gym.

There you have it! Now you have the magic answer...That there is no magic answer you just have to be CONSISTANT.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

i just have to sayyy.. i love your blog. i look forward to reading it all the time now!! ps. hope you're doing well! (sounds like you are) :)