A few things that help me this time of year to avoid the excess junk is make a plan. Plan for the treats you are going to enjoy. Guaranteed every time you turn around you are going to have an excuse/opportunity to have extra treats that normally aren't around. Last week I allowed for a caramel apple and this week I am going to allow for one special treat on Friday. That's it. I plan for it into my day and then I don't feel guilty and I can enjoy the special holiday goodie.
Also if you're passing out candy don't pass out your favorite. I personally love M&M's and Peanut Butter Cups. However...there's no way I have these in the house. I get tootsie rolls or the sour candies that don't appeal to me. Takes a bit of the temptation away.
Just remember the holidays are full of fun and should be enjoyed, but just don't go too crazy because I will bet if you gain five pounds looking back it will not have been worth it!
Hey, I just found your wellness blog, I have never looked here before. I'm going to email you and talk to you about the personal meal plan thing...can you do it for me even though you are so far away? I need to get serious about losing weight. Anyway, I'll email you. Great blog!
SOOO true! I remember this tip you gave me while at 24 hr!! So what did I do this year? I bought Lolly pops for the pass out treat! YUCK! Not tempted one bit!!
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