Thursday, August 28, 2008

My new favorite treat!

For those of you that know me I definitely have a sweet tooth. I'm always on the look out for healthy low calorie options of treats I can have and not feel guilty about eating. A few of my favorites are frozen yogurt, sugar free pudding, fudge pops, yogurt and fruit, and my newest favorite...No Pudge Brownies!!!
The great thing about this stuff is you can make a single serving whenever you want so you don't get tempted to eat the whole pan. You just add two tablespoons brownie mix and one tablespoon sugar free vanilla yogurt. Mix together and microwave for one minute.
Add a scoop of low calorie ice cream and you have yourself a gooey low calorie brownie treat that won't show on your waistline. I found my box at Target and if you check out their website they have tons of recipes and places where they carry the No Pudge Brownie mixes. I hope you enjoy this treat as much as I do.

1 comment:

Crazy Beth said...

uhhh...that's awesome!!! I need to get me some of that! Heaven knows that chocolate is a downfall for me. But isn't is for most people! Thanks!