Thursday, October 1, 2009

Something to think about...

I think all girls and women should see this video. We can't all look the same and fit into the perfect mold that magazines, actresses, and advertisements lead us to believe. It's nice to see people like J-Lo and Beyonce who are beautiful and not stick thin, and I loved it when Kelly Clarkson let everyone know that Shape had retouched her magazine cover. (That's a whole other post b/c Shape should be promoting healthy body image NOT cropping and editing her bottom.) We need to stop chasing after an idealistic perfect body/image/look/appearance that not even models these days can uphold.


CtephFrid said...
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CtephFrid said...

Loved this post - if you have a minute you should check out an article found here
about how some have taken "diet" and being thin to detox and the cover of being healthy but it doesn't mean the same - the pursuit for extreme thin-ness is still on. But some of us will never achieve that. we just need to be happy and healthy with our body size.
Thanks for the post!!