Friday, March 13, 2009

Heaven in my mouth...

Anyone who knows me can tell you that I love ice cream and sweets. It's probably one of my biggest health weaknesses. I love working out and it's easy for me to eat healthy most of the time, but get a bowl of ice cream in front of me and I can eat the whole carton. What do I do to avoid this? I allow myself daily treats so that I don't feel deprived and binge. I've tried lots of "diet" things and most of the time they taste pretty disgusting, but let me share my latest secret with you. These little Smart Ones beauties. I also like the strawberry shortcake and double fudge, but this cookie dough sundae is my favorite. Only 170 calories and 3 grams of fat which is even better. Best thing is they do all the work for you...portion control and yumminess wrapped up into one cute little package. I hope you give them a try and love them as much as I do.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Oh YUMM!! These are SO good! Tonight after dinner, my mom made a pie. I knew I had these sweet beauties in my freezer, but thought the pie would taste so much better. After 2 bites of the pie, it wasn't worth the calories. So, I popped one of these in the micro for 5 seconds and oh my! Heaven in my mouth! I liked it so much better than the chocolate pie (and you know me, that is saying A LOT) and I knew I wasn't going to blow my diet! Double bonus!