Sunday, February 8, 2009

I'm Back...

I apologize to my viewers for my absence the last month and a half. Due to a recent move, vacation, lack of home/internet, and a busy schedule I haven't had much time to blog. I'm back though and I hope everyone missed me!

I have lots of great ideas for posts to come so keep checking back for those, but tonight I just want to share my feelings on new years resolutions specifically when they relate to one's health. I don't particularly like resolutions b/c it's something that people stop doing within a few weeks. When I worked at the gym I always hated how crowded it would get and how suddenly people were going from never working out to working out 6 times a week. Motivation soon dies and people fade away and another year goes by where everyone is overweight or unhappy with the way they look and feel.

My suggestion...Set a resolution everyday of your life to be healthy. Eat right, exercise, get enough sleep, take care of your body. It's the only one you'll get so treat it like the temple it is. Of course you'll have days or weeks where you might get off track, but tomorrow is another day and you can start over. I challenge you to look at your motivation and goals that you might have set earlier this year and break them down to a day to day thing so each day you succeed. Use these positive changes to keep you wanting to move forward and get better. Improve each day and make it a lifestyle. In time being healthy will be like brushing your teeth. Good luck and keep up the great work!!!


Carrie said...

So glad your back! I've missed the updates! I totally agree with you here. It is comical to me how PACKED the gym gets in January. Then in Febrary and March it dies down. I heard something on Biggest Loser last week that has stuck with me..... One contestant said" I've got to love myself more than I love food". I am taking this quote and running with it. This is one of my goals. To just eat better and to love myself more than food! Man, that is hard, but I can do it because I deserve it!!

Kimbo said...

I love that quote. Thanks for sharing. I don't know why it seems to be so hard, but you're exactly right. We deserve better because we're worth it and we just need to love ourselves regardless of where we might be at in our health journey. I can't wait for more Biggest Loser. It's totally motivating to me :)

I am Paige's mom said...

Thank You SO MUCH for your blog!! I am a 47 year old mother of six. Besides my family my passion is exercising and eating right, not that I'm perfect at it, I just know when I do it I feel SO GOOD! Thanks for all the info on your blog plus your great input!!!