Friday, December 19, 2008

Tone Up!

Sorry I haven't had any posts recently. It's been a crazy time of year plus I'm moving. Anyhoo found this video and these are some great exercise you should try. They train multiple body parts at once which is great for a higher calorie burn. I would recommend doing each exercise 2-4 times with 15-20 reps.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Do it yourself...

Okay so I love these things. Snacks, treats, crackers, etc. made into these cute little 100 calorie packs so you won't overeat or overindulge. Whoever thought of these things was on the right track because our portions are out of control these days and we all know it's hard to eat only two cookies when the whole bag is sitting there staring at you. (Please tell me I'm not the only one this happens to!)

The only pay extra for the packaging and in these economic times who wants to pay 2-3 extra dollars when you don't have to. I say do it yourself. This is just a reminder that with a little bit of planning you can make the same thing at home and save lots of money in the process. So next time your at the store pick up some of the snack size Ziploc bags and start portioning out your favorite snacks ahead of time.

ADD MOMENT: Along these lines, if you want to read an interesting study on fast food portions click on this link. It's shocking to see how much extra food we consume now compared to just 20 years ago.