Monday, June 6, 2011


So apparently juggling life as a mom is crazy busy.  It's a crazy busy that I love though.  
Had time for a quick post.  Here's a little snack I've been loving lately.  I still love chips and it's hard to portion control them so I usually get the little kids size snack packs with Fritos, Sun Chips, etc.  I did however see this little treat the other day and it called my name.  It's my new favorite thing.  Perfect with some cottage cheese or by themselves if you just want a salty, crunchy something.   

Friday, March 18, 2011


First I want to give a shout out to my viewers who left comments.  Thank you for the kind words and letting me know that my thoughts, tips, advice, research is being read.  I heart y'all!

Today's topic is accountability.  This is extremely important when it comes to changing one's behavior whatever it may habits, mindset, weight, anger management, shopping addictions, etc.  If you have something you're trying to change you must enlist the help of others.  You are doing no favors by keeping your goal secret and trying to battle it on your own.

For my first marathon I told every single person I knew that I was going to run it.  It probably got kind of annoying.  Friends, co workers, clients, people at church, people I barely knew.  I talked about running and my training all the time.  I knew that the more people I told I wouldn't be able to just give up on the idea and not do it.  I knew from a behavior change class that I took in college that this was crucial to my success.  Well I can tell you it worked.  Especially since I didn't know if I was going to be able to do it the first time.  Now I'm addicted and want to run Boston one day.  3:40 PR here I come.

So my challenge to you in becoming an overall healthier person...whether it be physical, emotional, spiritual, financial, etc.  Set up some type of accountability system.  The bigger the better.  If you need to hire a personal trainer b/c you know that's the only way to get you to the gym.  Do it!  If you need to join Weight Watchers or start a food journal to eat better do it.  I'd take the journal another step.  Don't just say you'll write your food down.  Promise to have someone who's familiar with nutrition look at it every day and give you feedback.  If you need to save money literally cut up your credit cards and only spend cash.  My dad taught me this rule long ago.  Only pay for what you can afford and use cash.  Thanks Dad for saving me unwanted heartache with debt.

Hopefully this gives you a few ideas.  I'm doing it too.  Lose baby weight by September.  Run a marathon this summer. Blog at least once a week and hopefully more when possible.  What are your goals???  Here's an opportunity for some accountability.  Get it out there.  I promise it feels good!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Just Get There

Wow I feel like the biggest slacker ever. It's been over a year since I posted on here. What??? How is that possible? I don't think I have any viewers now. For those listening I have a valid reason for my absence. Got pregnant, moved three times in the past year, was put on bed rest for two and a half months, had a baby, husband deployed for three months, etc. Sorry friends.

Actually if I'm being honest I don't feel too bad about my absence b/c this past year has been crazy. I like to do this blog more for myself than anything though. It keeps me current in researching the science of fitness and talking about something I love. So I decided to throw up a post and I'm going to do my best to keep this thing going better than I have been.

My thought for today is about motivation. After having a baby I've been struggling a lot with getting back to my workouts. Mostly b/c I feel extremely out of shape. To go from marathon running shape, with abs, and a "dialed in to the calorie" diet to a post baby body that feels mushy to say the least has been rough on me. After complaining about it and not doing anything I finally decided to forget about all my prior accomplishments. I have to start somewhere. I had to set a goal and do you want to know what it is?

Just get there. Not run three miles a day or walk if we're being honest. Not lift weights four times a week and stretch for 15 minutes every day. Just make the effort to get there and if I do that I've succeeded.

Well I can say after a few weeks of doing this I'm feeling amazing. I can already feel and see a difference in how my body looks. Some days I pound out a workout kind of like my old self. I'm not quite as strong b/c I loss a lot of muscle tone, but I've been doing an hour of weights and cardio most days. Other days I'm freaking tired so I just do the bike for twenty or thirty minutes then go home. A few days the best I can do is stretch for fifteen minutes in my hubbies man cave and have some quiet time to myself, but the point is just getting there and making the effort is what's important.

Hope this can be of some help to people who might be suffering like I have been. Future posts will be more tips for moms to shape up post baby. I'm figuring this out as I go. I gained 65 pounds (maybe more...I stopped looking after that) and have lost 40. Have a good 20-25 to go and believe me when I get there it's going to feel amaze balls!!!
My hubby (I will call him AFBear-Air Force Bear from now on. That's his play station nickname) and I want to run a marathon in September so there will be plenty of posts about that. Nutrition and what works for me. I might throw some of my general workouts on here so you can get a taste of what I like to do and give you ideas. And whatever else tickles my fancy. Shoot me a comment if you have other ideas and I'll do something on it if I can.

Mantra for the day: Life is short make the best of it!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Diet Coke and my thoughts...

So I've been researching Diet Coke the last few weeks (p.s. I'm from the south. Some of you other folks like to call it Diet Soda/Pop.) I found a few interesting articles on the topic. If you're interested see below.
My take home. I can see both sides of the story. Some say Diet Coke is fine. That there's not enough aspartame and caffeine to impact the body negatively. Others say that the fake sugars leave you craving more sweets which in turn leads to weight gain.

I like to take a moderate approach to health. If you have one diet drink a week I don't think it's that big of a deal. Are you having a diet drink every day or multiple times throughout the day? Or do you drink a diet soda alongside your whopper and large fries feeling like your saving some calories while binging on junk food? Trust me you're not saving that many calories and this is a bad way to be thinking when it comes to getting healthy.

In the end we really don't know the adverse problems that diet soda may or may not be causing long term. This just reminded me of a flight I had when the air stewardess heard me wrong and gave me a Dr. Pepper instead of Diet Dr. Pepper. When I corrected her and asked for diet she went on to tell me how bad diet is for me with all the sugars and I should have taken the full soda since it's better for me. Hmm? After my research I don't know if I'd say it's better for me, but this is my point exactly we just don't know. I do know that when I drink a diet soda I don't feel guilty and bad about it thinking I'm going to get cancer. I enjoy it and then for the most part stick to water.

So I guess my take home message is figure it out for yourself. If you're a diet addict cut back. Being addicted to diet or regular soda period isn't good for you so try and get control of it and drink more water. If you enjoy a diet drink here and there I don't think you need to feel guilty about it. At least as guilty as the media and nutritionists try to make us feel. I say tackle bigger fish to fry like getting more fiber, cutting back on fast food and junk food, and increasing your fruits and vegetables before you beat yourself up about soda.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Try these...

These little guys were on sale at the store the other day and they are so good. There's a little basket that steams the veggies so they don't get mushy and then the heat melts the sauce and cooks the noodles/pasta/rice at the bottom and then you mix it all together. This is a great idea for nights when you're tired and don't want to cook or they're an easy meal to bring to work for lunch. Calories are low, Sodium is pretty low, high in fiber and protein. I'm so glad I found these things!

Sunday, January 3, 2010


I have a few strong thoughts about resolutions. Especially in regards to fitness resolutions. When I worked in the gym I always hated January. People are ready to tackle their weight/fitness goals. The gym is super packed with people who just seem to be walking around acting like their doing something in their brand new white shoes. Everyone is strict on their diets passing on sweets, soda, and fast food. This soon wears off after a week...two...three weeks. Then soon the thought of, "Crap I'm doing bad so I'll just try again next week or on Monday." This cycle soon turns back into the "I've failed category b/c I can't stick with my resolution so why even bother trying?" Whey does society set themselves up for failure such as this I ask myself?

Here are a few resolutions (even just plain fitness goals) I hear all the time that I hate:
1. I'm cutting out sweets
2. I'm going to work out for an hour every day
3. I have to lose 20 pounds by such and such date
4. I need to lose weight so I can be skinny then more boys will ask me out

I could go on and on, but the reason why I hate these resolutions in particular is they are shallow and based on stupid expectations.

*1. No one can cut out sweets forever. This is impossible. You're setting yourself up for failure which in turn will lead you back to your mindset of "Whatever. I'll just eat what I want." I say allow yourself everything in moderation. It's amazing by allowing yourself treats, sweets, even sugar that you'll naturally stop craving it.
*2. Same goes for the second one. Don't put so much pressure on yourself. If you're going from not working out at all to working out everyday this is too much. Even if you're regularly working out maybe you won't always have time to get in an hour. I'd change this resolution to I'm going to be physically active in some way every day. Even if it ends up being a walk, doing push ups and sit ups during commercials, throwing in a quick workout video.
*3. While I like setting goals and working towards them I'm more for finding a healthy body weight to strive for and giving yourself a few pounds to work with. For example shoot for 150-155 pounds. Also get there in a healthy way. You can't lose 10 pounds in two weeks. Shoot for 1-2 pounds per week and if some weeks you don't drop weight you just keep working. By setting a specific goal and not reaching it by that date I've found most people more often then not just give up and then go back to their old habits.
*4. I really don't have to say much about why this is a bad goal. It's sad how often I've heard this from my female clients. If you're going to lose weight and get healthy do it for yourself not for guys. Any guy who only dates you b/c you're skinny isn't the guy you want to be with.

So there you have it a few of my thoughts. Have you set resolutions/goals like the one's I hate? If so sorry if I've offended you. These are just my thoughts and opinions based on what I've seen time and time again. Maybe reconsider how/why you're going about your resolutions and tweaking them just a bit. The real goal is making resolutions a lifestyle change and that's all I'm trying to convey. Try and honestly challenge your goal to see if it's lifestyle change worthy. If it's not figure out how to make it so it is.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Farting in the Gym Prank

I'm not usually into fart jokes, but this is hilarious. I don't know how the huge guy tricking everybody is keeping a straight face the whole time. Too funny!